Top Ten Bestsellers in Italy, week of Jan. 27- Feb. 2, 2025
# Title Author Publisher Price/Euro 1 Spera.L’autobiografia / Hope: the Autobiography Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio)
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Acco Editore
Acco Editore’s catalog currently has about 70 titles, and 40 more titles are expected to be added in the coming year. Among their awards are Chiari’s best children’s book for “Piedi caldi… |
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Lavieri edizioni
Since its founding in 2004, Lavieri has worked in various areas (literature, children’s books, comics), producing books for different interests and skills, but sharing the same passion for seeking titles and the… |
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Editoriale Domus SpA
Established by Gianni Mazzocchi in Milan in 1929, Editoriale Domus is a leader in the field of special interest publications. The range of editorial products offered has constantly grown to meet the… |
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