DEEP WEB by Emanuele Florindi


Private Vices and Public Virtues of Surfing the Web

Current events 328 pages

Most of us know and use only the 4% of the available content in the web, but under the surface there is an underwater world, often, but not always, a dark and illegal place: the « deep web ». We hear more and more about this dark net or bitcoins and cryptocurrencies, but we hardly ever hear someone who can really explain what these terms refer to. This book has got the aim to clarify one of the most mysterious phenomena of the modern computer science: a world where the ordinary laws of the biright side of the society do not seem to be effective.

Emanuele Florindi is a lawyer and he mainly deals with the IT laws, bioethics and protection of the minors. He is a member of the AISF (International Academy of Forensic Sciences) and of the CSIG (Centro Studi Informatica Giuridica). He leads lectures and workshops on the topics of cybercrime, computer forensics and the protection of the minors online.