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Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson

Family Party

by Barbara Tamborini Alberto Pellai

The happy family game

A card game to play with the family to develop all 6 pillars of self-esteem! The game, designed by Alberto Pellai and Barbara Tamborini, is designed for children age 7 and over. The box contains: 6 spinning tops, 60 cards, 1 hourglass and 1 block to create different games The pillars of self-esteem that are focused on are: FAMILY: the relationships that everyone has in the family. BODY: knowing how to accept and appreciate your body image. EMOTIONS: the ability we have to recognize, regulate and express emotions. PROTAGONISM: the sensation of feeling protagonists of our social and living environment. SCHOOL / WORK: the perception of our success in the field of study or work. RELATIONS: relationships with people outside the family
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19.90 EUR

Published , Imprint: Erickson

ISBN: 9788859020776