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Las Vegas Edizioni s.a.s.

Il diario dei sogni

by Marco Candida

Dream Diary

Following several panic attacks, Verino Lunari, an unemployed 28 year old, starts taking an antidepressant, which causes him to have increasingly vivid dreams every night. Verino decides to record his dreams in a diary. It is like he is offering access to his secret room of foolishness. It is possible to find everything inside. Breathing objects. Phantoms pursuing people at the wrong address. Demons “possessed” by human beings. And much more. But we soon realize that Verino recounts dreams in which the main characters are always his best friends and especially Veronica, his ex-girlfriend. In a continuously increase of overlaps among reality, dreams, imagination and hallucination, the only certainty in this novel made of love and betrayals is that nothing is what it seems.
“Dream Diary” received positive reviews by several well-known Italian writers, including Giulio Mozzi, Raul Montanari, and Matteo B. Bianchi.
An extract of this novel has been translated in English and published in the anthology “Best European Fiction 2011” (Dalkey Archive Press). Another extract has been published by the American “The Literary Review”.

Publication Date:    2008

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Las Vegas Edizioni s.a.s.

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788895744025