Legenda Srl

Established in 1987, Legenda has always distinguished itself in the publishing field for its diversified and complete product series focusing on cartography. The company recently decided to enhance its catalogue with innovative…

Established in 1987, Legenda has always distinguished itself in the publishing field for its diversified and complete product series focusing on cartography. The company recently decided to enhance its catalogue with innovative products that will be gradually introduced into the market: geographic and tourist atlases, tourist guides, thematic maps, etc. In 1999 and 2005 Legenda was awarded the International Award for the Best Tourist Paper during the International Cartographic Conferences held in Ottawa and in La Coruña. Since 2002 the company has been part of Gruppo Editoriale Domus, which is regarded worldwide for its quality and for the attention given to the motorist and tourist fields. On an international level, the company has created a wide number of publications for foreign markets, including a pocket atlas translated into four languages.

Contact data
Phone+39 02 57506475
Fax+39 02 89263098

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