Companies & Professionals

Companies 151 - 156 / 156
Vinciana Editrice Sas di Riccardo Bozzi

Vinciana Editrice, founded in 1976, is the creator of the “Leonardo Collection”, a series of volumes dedicated to the instruction of drawing and painting. From its initial introduction only in the Italian…

Vision Srl

Since 1959 the Italian publishing firm VISION has been applying a patented system which consists of printing on transparent material the image of the reconstruction of the ruins of an ancient monument…

Vita e Pensiero

Viviani Editore


Voland is an Italian independent publishing house founded in 1994 by the Slavist Daniela Di Sora. Our first aim is to spread into the Italian book market great novels and authors coming from the Eastern European and Slavic literatures.

Who's Who in Italy Srl

Our multinational group WHO’S WHO Sutter’s international red series has been operating since 1957; as a publishing business, it has always striven for competence and authoritativeness. Our present titles are WHO’S WHO…

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