Companies & Professionals

Companies 11 - 20 / 403
Daniele Marson Editore

Publishing house specializing in the publication of photographic books on nature, photography and tourism.

Vesepia s.r.l.s.

Vesepia is a publishing house specializing in the creation of educational books for children.

Carocci editore Spa

Founded in 1980 as La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Carocci editore has more than 5,000 titles in print. The publishing program includes textbooks, academic monographs, trade non fiction, journals and digital products in Humanities and Social Sciences.

La Ragnatela Editore

Casa editrice per autori emergenti

Ledizioni - LediPublishing

LediPublishing is the international branch of Ledizioni, an independent academic publisher in humanities and social sciences, based in Milano, Italy. We publish scholarly books and journals with the aim of better serving the academic community, using digital technologies in order to make the system of academic communication more efficient.

Princeton University Press

Fluency Consulting LLC

World Language Educational Consulting

Kazabo Publishing, LLC

Our mission at Kazabo is to find best-selling books from around the world that, for whatever reason, have not been published in English. Our motto is Every book a best seller and we mean it. Everything you see with the Kazabo name – even authors you have never heard of – will be a best-seller; maybe in Italy, maybe in Japan, maybe in 1902, but always a best seller.

Full Bleed Rights
Literary Agency (or Agent)

Full Bleed Rights is a rights agency, specializing in expanding our international clients\' reach by selling their foreign rights across all languages. We help fans of graphic works find their next favorite thing.

John Mackey Consulting

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