Companies & Professionals

Companies 21 - 30 / 159
Il Saggiatore

Established by Alberto Mondadori in 1958, il Saggiatore is an independent publishing house focused on literary fiction and non-fiction, with a particular emphasis on science, history and economics. Our wide-ranging non-fiction list comprises the likes of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Jean-Paul Sartre, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Daron Acemoglu, Paul Mason, Joseph Mazur, Jaron Lanier, Mark Cousins and Piero Camporesi, among others. Our ever-growing literary fiction list includes Allen Ginsberg, Witold Gombrowicz, Joan Didion, Geoff Dyer, Olivia Laing, Joyce Carol Oates, Akwaeke Emezi, Esther Kinsky, Emma Glass, Mike McCormack and David Peace, to name just a few.

Il Saggiatore

Ronzani S.r.l

Bompiani (an imprint of Giunti Editore)

Bompiani was founded in 1929 and has always been synonymous of literary quality and openness to innovation. The catalogue features some of the most influential writers of the Italian and international scene with Nobel prize winners such as Camus, Steinbeck, Sartre, Eliot, Kertész, Modiano, Aleksievič and Strega and Campiello awarded writers like Scurati, Eco, Alvaro, Moravia and Bufalino. It has a strong non-fiction programme, both academic and popular, and a growing list of high quality titles for children and young adults.

Editrice Il Castoro

Editrice Il Castoro, founded in 1993, is an independent Italian house and publishes multi-awarded children\'s books for all ages, including middle-grade and YA fiction, picture books and graphic novels.

Produzione Editoriale XY

Established in 2006 and operating under three different imprints, Produzione Editoriale XY publishes a combination of cultural, fiction, and non-fiction titles across a wide range of subject areas.



Bambini Italiani

Publishing house specialized in the publication of books for teaching Italian to children


Terre di mezzo Editore

Born in 1994, Terre di mezzo Editore is an Italian independent publisher based in Milan. We publish 80 books per year and we love to explore many and various worlds, from sustainable tourism to the discovery of different cultures, encouraging their coexistence. Our main goal is telling new powerful stories for both young and adult readers, and spreading creativity through sustainable handmade creations with our craft books. We also promote and organize Fa’ la cosa giusta!, the national fair of conscious consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Italy, held in Milan every March since 2004.

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