Opening Day at the Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino

Along with today’s (May 9th) official opening of the 36th edition of the Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino, yesterday marked the opening of the Rights Center and the professional program for members of the publishing industry.

The potential advantages of this deepening professional-program trend at these book fairs include:

  • Market cultivation (participants meet and network with each other)
  • Heightened visibility to business and government policy players (helpful for attracting private and public funding)
  • Enhanced international rights trading for the home market (most of these programs include a rights center)
  • Better exposure for a book fair to its own market’s consumers and to offshore markets’ tourists and industry travelers
  • Increased likelihood of trade press coverage (not unlike the article you’re reading now) as the fair moves past the purely consumer-level appeal

Torino organizers tell us that their rights center opened on May 8th in advance of the public opening today (last year’s public attendance was an est. 215,000) , and trading in the center will be available through Friday (May 10). They’re expecting as many as 500 participants identifying themselves as book professionals, who will focus their activities at the Centro Congressi.

For additional reading: Porter Anderson, publishingperspectives

Photo: A presentation at the Salone Internazionale del Libro Torino 2023. Image: SILT