Top Ten Bestsellers in Italy, week of Jan. 22 – 28, 2024

# Title Author Publisher Price/Euro
1 Tutti i particolari in cronaca / All the Details in the News Antonio Manzini Mondadori 17.50
2 Dare la vita/ To Give Life Michela Murgia Rizzoli 15.00
3 Pesci piccoli / Small Fish Alessandro Robecchi Sellerio Editore Palermo 16.00
4 Cuore nero / Black Heart Silvia Avallone Rizzoli 20.00
5 La portalettere / The Postmistress Francesca Giannone Nord 19.00
6 Israele e i palestinesi in poche parole/ Israel and the Palestinians in a Few Words Marco Travaglio paperFIRST 12.00
7 Belladonna Adalyn Grace Rizzoli 18.00
8 Fratellino/ Little Brother Amets Arzallus Antia, Ibrahima Balde Feltrinelli 12.00
9 La storia / History: A Novel Elsa Morante Einaudi 17.00
10 Gli aghi d’oro / Gilded Needles Michael McDowell Neri Pozza


* Source:

* Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the original.

* For additional information, please contact the Italbooks team at

* Photo: Cover: Pesci Piccoli, by Alessandro Robecchi (Sellerio Editore)