Top Ten Bestsellers in Italy, week of June 19-25, 2023

# Title Author Publisher Price/Euro
1 ELP Antonio Manzini Sellerio Editore Palermo 17.00
2 Tre ciotole. Rituali per un anno di crisi/ Three Bowls: Rituals for a Year in Crisis Michela Murgia Mondadori 18.00
3 Un buon posto in cui fermarsi / A Good Place to Stop Matteo Bussola Einuadi 16.50
4 Divertimenti / Entertainment Pera Toons Tunue’ 15.50
5 Madre d’ossa / Mother of Bones Ilaria Tuti Longanesi 22.00
6 Il figlio sbagliato / The Wrong Son Camilla Lackberg Marsilio 22.00
7 Dammi mille baci / A Thousand Boy Kisses Tillie Cole Always Publishing 13.90
8 Sulla tua parola.Messalino. Santa messa quotidiana / On His Word:Missalette: Daily Mass Readings Editrice Shalom 5.00
9 In cucina con la friggitrice ad aria. Oltre 200 ricette facilissime. Fatto in casa da Benedetta / In the Kitchen with an Air Fryer:Over 200 Easy Recipes. Homemade with Benedetta. Benedetta Rossi, Buon’Idea Mondadori Electa 17.90
10 Nulla si distrugge. Un’avventura del commissario Bordelli/ Nothing is Destroyed: A Commissioner Bordelli Adventure Marco Vichi Guanda


* Source:

* Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the original.

* For additional information, please contact the Italbooks team at

* Photo: Cover: Madre d’ossa, by Ilaria Tuti (Mondadori)