Top Ten Bestsellers in Italy, week of Sept. 4 – 10, 2023

# Title Author Publisher Price/Euro
1 Una ragazza d’altri tempi / A Girl from Another Time Felicia Kingsley Newton Compton Editori 9.90
2 Holly Stephen King Sperling & Kupfer 21.90
3 Tre ciotole: Rituali per un anno di crisi / Three Bowls: Rituals for a Year in Crisis Michela Murgia Mondadori 18.00
4 Accabadora Michela Murgia Einaudi 12.00
5 La portalettere/ The Postmistress Francesca Giannone Editrice Nord 19.00
6 Proposta pastorale 2023-2024. Per un esercizio di discernimento delle priorità/ Pastoral Proposal 2023-2024: An exercise in setting priorities Mario Delpini Centro Ambrosiano 4.00
7 Stella di mare/ Starfish Piergiorgio Pulixi Rizzoli 17.00
8 Il magico studio fotografico di Hirasaka/ Hirasaka’s Magical Photography Studio Sanaka Hiiragi Feltrinelli 16.00
9 Una piccola formalità / A Small Formality Alessia Gazzola Longanesi 16.90
10 My Hero Academia Kohei Horikoshi Star Comics


* Source:

* Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the original.

* For additional information, please contact the Italbooks team at

* Photo: Cover: Una ragazza d’altri tempi, by Felicia Kingsley (Newton Compton Editori)