Un Amico Italiano. Eat, Pray, Love, in Rome.

If you loved Elizabeth Gilbert’s best-selling memoir Eat Pray Love, you must read Un Romano per amico. Mangia, prega, ama a Roma (Rizzoli) by Luca Spaghetti, Gilbert’s tour guide in Rome. Those who couldn’t understand the title beyond “mangia” (i.e. don’t read Italian) are in luck!  The English translation, titled Un Amico Italiano* Eat, Pray, Love, in Rome (*An Italian Friend), is now available from Penguin. In the book, Luca Spaghetti tells his side of the adventures with Liz, and offers his thoughts on food, soccer and daily life in Rome.

Leggi in italiano? Visit ibs.it to purchase the Italian version, published by Rizzoli.

English, please. Click here for the English translation.