Mercato Americano

Information about the USA Market

Module 1 - Overview of the
American Publishing industry

Browse Italbooks’ new economic and demographic report about the American book Industry from 2016 to 2020, and find the information you need on the main distribution channels, on relevant trends and genre contamination as well as on the role of public and private libraries in the industry.

You can also access a list of trade associations and of the main book shows and events

Module 2 - Rules and Regulations
of the US book industry

This section will provide you with relevant and useful information on the rules and laws that regulate the American book Industry such as market access policy, Federal and State level incentives and fiscal policies, customs duties and regulations for the importation of various book formats

Interested in knowing more about the book rights market? Browse here to learn about restrictions, norms and/or standards for USA and Italian companies trading books, policies and enforcement of intellectual property rights, data on IPR protection within the Industry and trade agreements about intellectual property with other countries restrictions, as well as obstacles to importation and distribution of imported editorial products

Module 3 - Analysis of
American readers

Do you wish to know more about American readers? Browse here to learn what they like to read, what book format they prefer, how much they read and at what age.

Module 4 – Overview of the
USA publishing companies

Find your American match by browsing the new growing database of American companies operating in the book industry, recently compiled by Italbooks.

  1. Publishers (BIG 5 and Independent publishing companies)
  2. Book rights agencies
  3. Translation agencies
  4. Distribution companies
  5. Bookstore chains

Module 5 - The book
rights market

Italbooks offers you the most recent statistics report on preferred modalities and best practices on books sold and/or acquired in the US. Browse here to learn about the role and the legal features of licensing, sub-licensing and serial rights as well as about negotiation process and contractual operations.

Browse our lists of publishers and rights professionals, with a special attention for Italian and European books.

Check our services and new catalogue. Contact us for marketing and business assistance